
It’s that time again. With our first watch party right around the corner, it’s our intent to have a brand new shirt design ready for your consumption. This shirt (pictured above) can be yours during the pre-order window for $10.00*. Specific details follow.

What we need from you:

1. Shirt size. Since this is a pre-order, you’ll have the opportunity to order any size shirt. Once the window closes, we’ll only carry sizes small through extra large.

2. Number. How many shirts would you like to order?

3. How do you wish to receive your order? If your preference is mail-order, please add $3.00 to the total for postage, with an additional $1.00 per shirt (for every additional shirt).

4. Payment. You can send your payment through PayPal, my handle is anthony.ateek@gmail.com. Please be specific with your order (see numbers 1-3 above)

5. Note: The pre-order window will be open from April 15 – April 26.

*Not including postage, assuming it’s your wish to have us send it your way.

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