
I stumbled across this crappy blog the other day. Feel free to check it out if you want to waste a couple of minutes of your life that you can never get back. Apparently they only post entries every couple of months, and from what I can tell from reading the entries, Joe Maddon doesn’t always suck. This is the same guy that has all the brand new Rays gear on when the Rays are winning, but when they are in a slide…it’s back to the old trusty Yankees gear. Guess what buddy, it’s you that SUCKS…and I would like to challenge you to a JOUST! You can contact us @ belowaverageraysfansite@gmail.com so we can work out the details, that is, if you are a noble and honorable knight!

Where are the 3’s?

.287, .297, .260, .235, .212, .242, .264, .262, .271, .240, .207, .223, .210, .195, .202, .254, .143

Seriously…..where are they?  Yeah, I see a couple in there, too (for you jackasses who want to split hairs).  But they’re not in the right position and you knew damn well that’s what I meant.

The Yankmes have 3 batters over .300, the Sux have 4, the Twins have 4, the White Sox have 3 (and so on).  Our team BA is .250, which puts us in 12th place (of 14) in the American League, squarely four positions lower than…………………………wait for it……………………………….THE BALTIMORE ORIOLES!  THE ORIOLES!  Let me say that again.  The Rays team batting average is 4 positions (and .010) behind the Baltimore Orioles.

I’ve got nothing else to say.  Just gotta get that shit straightened out.  If this is going to be our year we need to hit better.  Plain as the big-ass nose on Andy Pettitte’s face.