Without speaking for Mr. Danger McClintock, I was always under the impression that the writers of this here blog shared a love for three things: music, baseball, and sarcasm. This blog is an extension (of sorts) of those very specific interests.

Sadly, the music that I listen to rarely bridges the gaps between those interests. I mean sure, sometimes a band like the Baseball Project finds a way. But in general, not many bands do things that we’d go out of our way to talk about via this medium. Enter Gainesville’s Grabass Charlestons, who just released their latest LP, Dale and the Careeners.

Grabass Charlestons have been around for over ten years, though it’d be safe to assume that a good chunk of you, our dear readership, are unfamiliar with them. They’ve played over 500 shows in those ten plus years, pounding the pavement of the contiguous lower forty-eight, while also touring Puerto Rico, and Europe. They’ve released countless albums and EP’s, earning them the love and respect of the “underground” music scene. It doesn’t hurt that the four of them are high quality human beings. I’m proud to call them my friends. Oh yeah, they love the Rays too.

Why should you be interested in Dale and the Careeners? Never mind the fact that there are some very Rays-centric aesthetic attributes to the LP, or that the song Dale is a Raindog Too directly references Game 162. This album is easily one of the best things they’ve ever released. “But it’s a punk record,” some of you may groan. Yeah well, pipe down…it’s ridiculously good. Do yourself a favor and listen to the record, streaming below. Then do them a big, and buy the dang thing. You’ll thank me later.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/63954918″ params=”show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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